August 3, 2011

I'm Back!!!

After almost a week of not beeing here i'm back :-D
I was on vacation at a dreamy place with paradise sea ,good food and lovely company!
I don't have many pictures of me,the most of them are my friends doing silly things so i can't publish them,i was so busy having the time of my life that my camera was forgotten in my bag ans i rarely remembered to use her for me!
So enjoy,and don't forget to be a follower!i have 99 and i can't w8 to have 100 and make my first giveaway :-)
Love u all,Marissa

 Meet my boyfriend :-)
 This is a handmade  chandelier i bought there,isn't it really beautiful??


  1. Poli wraies fwtografies, kai poli wraio magio! :)

    Do You Speak Gossip?

  2. oh poly omorfes fotografies! kai go tha paw diakopes sintoma kai skeftomai oti thelo na vgalo photos omos ksero oti den tha to kano epd tha eimai apasxolimeni kai tha ksexaso hehe! :) x

  3. lovely summer!!!
    cool photos!

  4. To xrwma tou bikini einai teleio!

    Xarhka poly pou vrika mia akomh blogger apo Thessaloniki!

    Polla filia, na pernas teleia!
